August 08, 2010

7th Annual Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County

Progressive Picnic in Montgomery County

Saturday August 28, 2010 2 PM to 5 PM

Wheaton Regional Park Picnic Shelter “A”

2002 Shorefield Road, Wheaton, MD 20902

Hot Dogs, Burgers, Veggie Burgers, Veggie Dogs etc. Provided.
Please pre-register so we’ll have enough food for you!
Suggested Donation: $15.00 per person now, $20 at the door.
For info. or to pay by check, email:

Confirmed candidates appearing: MD Senate Candidate Del. Roger Manno; Delegate Tom Hucker; MD Delegate Candidates Dana Beyer, Eric Luedtke, Lara Wibeto, Elihu Eli El, and Neeta Datt; County Council Members Marc Elrich, Duchy Trachtenberg, Nancy Floreen, and George Leventhal; County Council Candidate Sharon Dooley.

Garland Nixon: Montgomery Municipal Cable TV and 89.3 FM WPFW Pacifica Radio Raucous Caucus Host. Music by Jessica Sharp!

Other guests and candidates welcome and expected. Contact to confirm appearance.

Cosponsors: Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, Progressive Democrats of Maryland, Democracy for Montgomery County, Health Care NOW! Maryland, Fair And Clean Elections MD, Organizing for Montgomery, and Peace Action Montgomery.

More co-sponsors welcome: suggested donation $50 (includes 3 admissions)
Contact to co-sponsor.

Please bring a dish or drink to share with 10 people. If your last name begins with:
* A-F please bring salad / side dish
* G-L please bring a dessert
* M-R please bring water
* S-Z please bring soft drinks

Directions to Shorefield Area: From I-495 take Exit 31 for Georgia Avenue/MD 97 North. Follow Georgia Avenue for almost 3 miles, then turn right onto Shorefield Road. Continue on Shorefield Road until you reach the parking area. Keep left as you enter the park. Shelter “A” is the closest to the parking area.

Google map:
Public transportation: take Y5 or Y9 Bus from Wheaton Metro stop.

Suggested Donation: $15.00 per person now, $20 at the door.

For info. or to pay by check, email:

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